Abner Louima

The cop who sodomised Abner Louima with a jagged wooden handle in 1997, wants out if federal prison early because of Covid-19.

In an exclusive interview with the Daily News, Louima stopped short of supporting ex NYPD officer Justin Volpe’s compassionate release request.

“its up to the justice system, it’s not up to me,” Louima told the news, “its many years after the crime. Twenty one years is not twenty one days. I think at least he’s spent enough time thinking about his actions.”

Volpe admitted his guilt again in his application for release, which he filed in late December, more than two decades after he pleaded guilty to the heinous crime. His prison release date is 2025.

On August 9, 1997 Louima was arrested at East Flatbush, Brooklyn’s popular club Rendez-Vous after a fight broke out and Volpe mistakenly believed Louima had punched him.

In a police car after Louima’s arrest, Volpe pounded Louima. And later that night, inside Brooklyn’s 70th precinct stationhouse, Volpe and another officer again beat up Louima.

Then, in a sick assault in a stationhouse bathroom, Volpe sodimised Louima with the wood handle from either a broomstick or plunger, trial testimony and witnesses said. The instrument was never found. Louima claimed Volpe and another cop repeatedly called him a n****r during the heinous attack. The cop later bragged about the vicious assault to the other precinct cops.

Louima suffered a ruptured colon and bladder, and his teeth were bashed in the beating. His physical recovery took months.

JUSTIN VOLPE has the audacity to ask for compassionate release.


source nydailynews Jan 5, 2021

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