Kamala Harris, Alpha Kappa Alpha

The vast majority of people who have attained fame status are part of a secret society which helps obtain a status of brotherly/sisterly status.Therefore helping in obtaining a position of wealth. In England slot of politicians have come from Oxford university and most have obtained positions of a certain status. One hand washing the other. Prime minister Boris Johnson went to Oxford university and so did Margaret Thatcher, David Cameron, Harold Wilson, Edward Heath, Tony Blair, Harold Mac Million, Anthony Eden, Clement Attlee, Theresa May are amongst others. Bill Clinton was a Rhodes scholar which is from Oxford university then eventually became president of the United States.

Kamala Harris is an Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority (Boule). Their patron goddess is Qetesh, she was a complicated ancient Kemet fertility goddess of beauty that may have originated in Kush and spread with its colonies into the land of Canaan. However we shall not be talking about her Kemetic nature within an American Greek secret society.

The nature of the Greek AKA sorority Quetesh is to be found in the secret society women of the “Rings of Quetesh” during the “Reign of Cleopatra Vll” They are noted as saying “we walk in the dark places no one else will enter.” In their Greek nature, they are the “sacred whores and prostitutes” that protect the monarchy and kingdom. The secret society was a ‘power base’ protecting the regent of Egypt against plots to take her throne. Cleopatra knew that there were whispers and intrigue and attempted plots against her and her court. The women of the rings of Quetesh were ordered to sleep with the dissenters and find out their secrets. Cleopatra was reported to say “what better way to block an attempted conspiracy than from the whispers associated with scented pillows.

After the death of Cleopatra and the fall of the strongest and bravest noblemen and named them men of romance.

The group then left Egypt and spread out to the new empires of Greece and Rome. The men of romance dedicated their lives to protecting Kings and Queens, poets and painters throughout history. Two of the famous men they protected were Alexandra the great and the painter Michelangelo. Most interestingly it had been also rumoured that Robin Hood and his merry men were members of the men of romance protecting King Richard’s land in England.

Kamala Harris started her political career as the sex maiden of powerful, corrupt and demonic San Francisco politician Willie Brown.

In 2010 SF weekly’s attempts to obtain her office’s files on Roman Catholic clergy abuse under the state public records act, suggested San Francisco D.A. Kamala Harris favoured deliberate concealment over transparency. The records at issue may have answered questions of great public concern. What did they do behind the scenes, while priests accused of molesting children were shielded from punishment.

DA Harris possessed San Francisco Archdiocese files containing details of how the church dealt with pedophile priests that go back as far as 80 years. But Harris rebuffed reporters efforts to view those files, despite statements by former DA Terence Hallinan saying they should be released.

SF Weekly asked Harris’ office over and over again to comply with their request under the California public records act, but she ardently refused to release anything as if she had a blanket secrecy privilege, and a pact with the devil.

Kamala Harris protected the Roman Catholic church’s pedophile priests, pedophile rings and Vatican’s ninth satanic circle.

In 2015, AG Kamala Harris was found to be running a really strange clandestine Masonic fraternal order of police that claimed to be direct descendants of the Roman Catholic knights Templar.

In may 2015 three people David Inkk Henry AKA Henry X, Tonette Hayes, Brandon Kiel, linked to the authority of her office were busted in SAN Clarita CA, organised as the Knights Templar Masonic police department. Henry X was the grandmaster.

They claimed police jurisdiction over secret “Masonic Matters” the really strange thing is that AG Kamala Harris didn’t officially or publicly disown them.

They had proper state business permits and licenses, they also had state private security guard permits. Henry Xs son in law Brandon Kiel, had proper California AG credentials. He was Harris’ official over $67,000 per year, Deputy Director of community affairs.

Grand master Henry X of the illuminati and Masonic police suddenly dropped dead from a pulmonary embolism at Henry mayo newhall hospital palencia.

When it involves pedophile priests, pedophiles, pedophile rings, child trafficking and sexual abuse of children in California, U.S senator Kamala Harris appears to be attached to a body count.
Pope Francis
The cult runs deep
First woman of colour Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris.
Masonic heart sign of fidelity and loyalty

We won’t organise any black man to be a Democratic or a Republican because both of them have sold us out; Both of them have sold us out. Both parties of have sold us out. Both parties are racist, and the Democratic Party is more is more racist than the Republican party. Malcolm X

Joe Biden gave the eulogy at Grand Wizard of the KKK Robert Byrd. Byrd was a United States senator from West Virginia for 51 years.

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.

Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944

California Senator Kamala Harris, who is black, lambasted Joe Biden for “coddling” segregationists. She said he did not seem to understand “the dark history of our country.”

Yet now Harris is Vice President.

Source mindcontrolblackassassin.com

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