Black August, Rev Joy Powell

Rev Joy Powell in her own words;

Due to the death of a 15 year old boy who was murdered on the side of my hair salon, I became more active in organising rallies against violence and drugs that riddled poverty stricken neighbourhoods.

In 2001, I became the victim of violence, when my 18 year old son was gunned down on June 13 and died June 14 from his bullet wounds.

The neighbourhood my son was shot in was filled with boarded up houses, which consisted of major drug activity, constant shootouts and hopeless oppressed people.

In my struggles as an activist, I began to draw up the facts, realising violence and poverty ran hand in hand. I began to hold press conferences concerning my strong views of injustice as a voice for the voiceless who expressed to me that the community problem was that the people were tired and could no longer deal with being trampled on by the steel plate of oppression.

The community never felt apprehensive or threatened by me, since I posed no threat. However, they felt very safe. The only weapon I carried for 12 years was the weapon of “NON VIOLENCE” protest.

I never realised how much of a threat one individual could be unarmed until I began to speak out against police brutality. In 2002 6 people of colour died while in police custody of the RPD. I’m addition, in 2002 there was an African American man named Lawrence Rogers who was in wegmans grocery store in psychotic mode, screaming, “Jesus is coming and I’m going to die today,” Lawrence was unarmed with only his boxers on, which clearly showed that there was a problem. Lawrence was brutally beaten to death by “THUGS IN BLUE SUITS” called the police, who are supposed to protect and serve. Several individuals witnessed this tragic incident and some even video taped it. Unfortunately, as a result, concerned citizens who were begging the police to stop also became victims. They were maced, beat with bully clubs, stomped and arrested. Also, a store manager was maced, beat down, and arrested. Later he learned that he had been fired for pleading with the police to stop beating Mr Rogers.

On 10/9/06 I was on the way to the mall and received a disturbing phone call from my house from the minister of my congregation. Minister Jewlerus Harley, notified me that there was about 10 police searching my house and an investigator wanted to speak to me.

Lt. Schills explained to me that it wasn’t a joke but I was being charged with two counts of burglary and assault in the 2nd degree. The Lt. also assured me that I would be escorted safely to booking.

I was absolutely appalled, I didn’t know who I supposedly did these things to, until I was arraigned. To my surprise, the people who victimised me were the accusers.

I was totally baffled at the fact that I was being railroaded in 2007. I didn’t have a chance during my trail. The police, the judge and later my own attorney aided and abetted one another. The officials went above and beyond the Law to get a false conviction. Sentencing me with no DNA or witnesses to corroborate, one incredible accusers statements and various testimonies. This accuser was also granted immunity to testify against me.

The only thing that i am guilty of, as I stressed to the courts during my sentencing is standing up for EQUALITY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL! If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.
Rev Joy Powell’s son Terrell with his children.

October 10th 2018 Terrell Blake died in a modern day lynching.

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